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Psychologist Business Training: ROI and pros/cons of Paid ads VS. adding content to your therapy website.

In 15 minutes you (the Psychotherapy business owner) will know how to pick phrases that will lead to booking intent, and get calls to your office. You’ll also know about the cost of ads across the country vs your local area, and what impact that ad cost will have on your client lifetime value.
Do you know what a lead will cost you to buy on Google? Let’s find out…

Note: we talk about outsourcing this work, and the risks of hiring. But you can overcome and manage those risks, don’t worry!

https://kw-tv.com helps you decide the ROI for building content on your CBT/Therapist website, versus buying paid leads from Google. Chris discusses the costliness of PPC Adword leads, and pros and cons of that approach.

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